
Offshoring and Outsourcing – an interchangeable term?

February 19, 2024


You may have noted that most articles use the terms offshoring and outsourcing interchangeably. The two may sound the same and have some business practices in common, but actually, there are some differences.

While outsourcing is mainly focused on who gets the work done, offshoring is more about where the actual task is performed. Offshoring focuses mainly on the international relocation of the team that performs the task for a certain company. Outsourcing companies may choose to externalize business lines to a specialist within their own country, as this vendor may be more efficient at getting the job done. Though the latter is still highly relevant for offshoring, the two differentiate themselves by this main focus: who does it (outsourcing) vs. where it’s done (offshoring).

Though offshoring and outsourcing may be different, it certainly does not mean that they cannot be combined. Outsourcing generally has the benefit of having certain tasks contracted out to a vendor, while offshoring has the main benefit of low labor costs. The two combined can result in your company having a dream team abroad. Your work is taken care of by a professional vendor who can help your company achieve sustainable growth at much lower costs.

Technoperia’s mission therefore is to connect Balkan’s brightest IT experts and online marketers to Europe’s hottest scale-up companies that are looking to expand their teams internationally. Our main expertise is technology offshoring; we focus on offshoring software development, IT, programmers, support, and digital marketing.

Countries in the Balkan’s have a great offer of talented specialists at one of the lowest labor costs in Europe. That’s not the only reason we love the Balkan’s, but for that, you can check out our last blog post.

We aim to provide the perfect combination of offshoring and outsourcing by having teams with years of experience working from the Balkans. Our teams are specialized in providing great services for various clients from Europe, reaching for a long-term partnership that helps your business flourish.